What we believe
Christ Church Bangkok is a protestant church open to all people and we welcome everyone.
"Christ Church Bangkok strives to be a vibrant, growing, welcoming, Bible-based, prayerful community which worships the risen Jesus Christ, and demonstrates Christ's love." We are committed to the authority and accuracy of Scripture as the ultimate voice of God, who defines our faith and life together:
We express our love for God in worship and in prayer
We are a Bible-based, prayerful community, equipping God's servants to apply God's Word and will in practical ways
We come to worship God: we know He is present, we hear Him speak
We reach out to each other and to the community:
We express our love for our neighbours by caring for them and helping them to know and experience God's love through Jesus Christ
We are committed to share God's love by serving Thailand and its people
We are a caring community. Each person is valued and by God's Word we seek to build each other up in Christ ​

Our Team

Rev. Norman Jones
Okechukwu Okafor (Okey)
International Coordinator
Patcharin Veliath Jain (Patty)
Children and Youth Ministry Leader

Panjit Chanete
Accounts Manager

Sarah Saparamdacha
Admin Assistant
Ophak Ophak (Opas)
Church and Compound Maintainer
Sukwa Lache (Believe)
Compound Assistant
Too Mar
Church and Compound Cleaner
Nucharee Krajaiklin (Nud)
Vicarage Maid